Saturday, 24 November 2012

Building Our Bungalow - Project Update

It's been awhile and some of you have asked us about what's happening, so here is a little update for you.

We have been crazy busy making decisions about finishes and working with our carpenter to finalize the details for all the built-ins.  We haven't had time for much else really.  The house was shrouded in a big orange tarp for awhile, but the stucco is almost complete! Now that the tarp is removed the light is coming back into the house and we can see the view again!

The drywall and primer is complete, and the finishers have arrived and have started all the woodwork.

Here are a couple of photos taken today.

Stucco almost completed.

Vanities going in...

View going into the great room/kitchen 

View from the kitchen into the great room

The start of the mud room lockers :-) 

More to share soon!! 

Love Kim XO